Interrelatedness of Health and Weather: From Warm to Cold

Health and weather are terms that are very deeply related to each other. A little bit of a change in the season directly affects people’s health. Especially the people of young and old age and people with low immunity. The change in temperature is the biggest reason for this. People mostly suffer from the flu during the change of season, whether it is cold or hot. But this is not the true reason; people get affected due to viruses that make them sick. Seasonal allergies make people feel congested; their noses become runny, and their eyes become itchy.

Effect of Health and Weather in Warm Season

This article highlights how our body reacts to a seasonal change

Blood Pressure:

Do you notice a drop in your blood pressure readings as the weather warms up? When it’s warmer outside, your systolic and diastolic blood pressure values alter, so when the sun comes out in the spring and summer, your blood pressure typically drops. However, during the chilly winter months, you may anticipate a tightening of blood vessel width, which will make the heart work harder to pump blood through the constrained veins and arteries. As a result, when it’s cold, blood pressure will rise, and when it’s warm, it will fall.

Headaches and Migraines

If you frequently get migraines, your quality of life may be negatively impacted by missed social engagements and poorer working efficiency. According to researchers, the strain on the brain or how the brain handles pain may be impacted by these shifts in weather patterns. Bright sunshine may cause a migraine or headache when the weather starts to warm up or the days lengthen.

Joint Pain

Weather conditions that are particularly hot or cold can make asthma symptoms worse. These abrupt temperature changes aggravate the airways. On the one hand, breathing in cold air may cause the airways to narrow. On the other side, asthmatics must contend with difficult-to-escape pollution and exhaust fumes during the warmer months.

Dehydration and Heat Stress

Dehydration and heat stress can have harmful effects on one’s health in hot weather. The body may find it difficult to cool down through sweating when the temperature and humidity are high. Healthcare facilities in areas with intense heat frequently report an increase in cases of dehydration and symptoms connected to the heat.

Health and Cold Weather Problems

Respiratory Issues

Respiratory issues are frequently made worse by cold weather. Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbations can result from bronchial constriction brought on by cold air, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Wintertime hospital admissions for respiratory diseases are on the rise, according to real-time statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Winter’s long, gloomy days can have a serious effect on one’s mental state. SAD is a disorder that causes depression and poor energy levels during particular seasons and is frequently brought on by a lack of sunlight. The number of reported cases of SAD rises during the colder months, according to real-time mental health surveys carried out by institutions like the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).

Final Words

Our general health and well-being are significantly influenced by the weather. While hot weather can cause heat-related ailments, dehydration, and worsened air quality, cold weather can cause respiratory and cardiovascular problems as well as have an effect on mental health. We can better safeguard our health from the dangers posed by extreme weather by remaining educated and taking preventative action. A healthy future for everybody is also dependent on addressing climate change in order to reduce the long-term effects of weather on our health.


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